
Echoes of Love: A Café Owner's Tribute to Lost Happiness - O1040

<h1>Echoes of Love: A Café Owner's Tribute to Lost Happiness - O1040</h1>

In a bustling city, there is a small café nestled in a quiet alley. The owner of the café is named Li Zhe, a man in his thirties whose countenance always carries a hint of melancholy. On his left arm, there is a unique tattoo—a string of mysterious characters that seem to tell a hidden story.

Every day, Li Zhe opens the café promptly at six o'clock in the morning. He enjoys handling the café's affairs at this time because the streets are not yet fully awake, permeated by a serene atmosphere. However, each day for Li Zhe begins in this tranquility and ends in solitude.

Several years ago, Li Zhe was a mid-level manager in a large corporation, leading a busy yet fulfilling life. Back then, he was deeply in love with his girlfriend, Lin Xue, and the two planned their future together. Lin Xue was an illustrator who loved painting on the balcony of their home. Whenever sunlight fell on her canvas, a contented smile would grace her face.

Their love story began on an ordinary afternoon. Li Zhe accompanied colleagues to an art exhibition and unexpectedly encountered Lin Xue, painting live at the venue. Her focused and lively demeanor deeply attracted Li Zhe, and from that day on, he became a regular visitor before her artwork. They discussed art, life, and their dreams, gradually deepening their affection.

One winter afternoon, Li Zhe and Lin Xue sat facing each other in a café on the street corner. It was their favorite spot, with wooden tables and chairs emitting a faint aroma of coffee. Lin Xue ordered a hot chocolate, cradling the cup in her hands as the warm steam brushed against her cheeks. Looking at her, Li Zhe smiled and said, "Let's get married." Lin Xue was momentarily stunned, then a radiant smile spread across her face as she nodded gently.

However, fate took an unforeseen turn. During their wedding preparations, Lin Xue was diagnosed with cancer. The sudden and devastating news shattered Li Zhe's world. Unable to accept this cruel reality, he could only put on a brave face, staying by Lin Xue's side, accompanying her through her final days.

Lin Xue's condition deteriorated rapidly. In her last days, she could no longer hold a paintbrush, confined to her hospital bed. Yet her eyes remained gentle and resilient. Li Zhe stayed by her side, tightly gripping her hand, enduring the heartache but never showing any weakness in her presence.

On Lin Xue's final day, she softly said to Li Zhe, "I'm not afraid to leave, because I know you will always remember me." With that, she gently closed her eyes, departing this world forever.

To commemorate Lin Xue, Li Zhe tattooed the mysterious characters on his left arm. Each stroke of the tattoo carries his longing and reluctance to part with Lin Xue.

Nowadays, in the quiet of the night, Li Zhe often touches the tattoo on his left arm, reminiscing about every moment spent with Lin Xue. Though their time together was brief, it remains the most beautiful memory of his life. Despite the tragic ending, he knows that Lin Xue's love will forever accompany him, an indelible part of his life.